Apply to Transfer Ownership or Sell HDB Commercial Properties
Apply to Transfer Ownership or Sell HDB Commercial Properties
Housing & Development Board (HDB)
Application Details
Apply to transfer or sell your HDB commercial properties.
- Do I need to apply for this application?
Yes, you need to obtain HDB’s written consent for the Resale / Transfer of Commercial Properties if you own an HDB shop and wish to dispose it in the open market or would like to transfer your share of the property to another person(s).
Online application must be submitted by the transferors' solicitors who have to ensure that all particulars given are true and correct with the authorisation of the transferors and transferees. The transferors and transferees must also jointly and severally agree to the Terms and Conditions for Resale / Transfer of an HDB shop. Should the parties agree upon it, the transferees’ solicitor may also submit the online application and the necessary authorisation. - What conditions do I need to fulfill?
You may find for the Terms & Conditions to Apply to Transfer Ownership or Sell HDB Commercial Properties to read more. You may also download a copy of the Resale / Transfer Terms and Conditions for your reference. - What supporting documents do I need to submit?
- Photocopies of sellers and buyers’ NRICs
- Letter from the transferors’ or transferees’ solicitor (who is submitting the on-line application) confirming he / she is acting on behalf of the transferors / transferees as per Clause 6 of the Resale / Transfer Terms and Conditions
- Latest Business Registration Record from Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) (For Pte Ltd Co)
Company’s Resolution (For Pte Ltd Co)
- The transferors’ and the transferees’ Company Resolution / Director’s Resolution authorizing the solicitor to submit the on-line application as per Clause 7(b) of the Resale / Transfer Terms and Conditions
- Letter of Authorisation / Power of Attorney (For Mortgagee Sales)
- Death Certificate, Grant of Probate / Grant of Letters of Administration (For Deceased Cases) - How soon can my application be processed?
Due to recent surge in the number of requests for resale and change of use of sold shops, please expect a longer processing time of at least 4 weeks after all supporting documents/payment are received. Therefore, do check and ensure that all supporting documents/payments required for your application(s) are duly submitted. Please be assured that we will process your requests as quickly as we can. - What are the application fees involved in the application?
The total fee payable is based on the type of application and the options that are chosen as shown below:
i. Lodgement Scheme
- Lodgement (Waiver of Inspection): $109
- Lodgement (Request for Inspection): $436
ii. Application (HDB Processing Required)
- Lease Not Issued: $545
- Proposed trade involving change of use & need further evaluation (eg. Market produce shop, Supermarket): $545
- Change of Living Quarters to non-residential use: $545
- Proposed use of Trading Area opted as "Others": $545
iii. Additional Fees for Transfer of Outdoor Refreshment Area (ORA)
- Lodgement (waiver of Inspection) + Transfer of existing ORA: $327
- Lodgement (Request for Inspection) + Transfer of existing ORA: $654
- Application + Transfer of existing ORA: $763 - Who can I contact for further details?
You may call our hotline @ 1800-8663073 or write to us. You may also write in to:
Properties & Land Group
Housing & Development Board
480 Lor 6 Toa Payoh
Atrium 3rd Storey HDB Hub
Singapore 310480 - What is the application process like?
Steps to apply for Resale / Transfer of HDB Commercial Properties
i. Check the validity of HDB premises address & whether the Lease has been issued.
ii. Read the terms & conditions for the application.
iii. Key in the premises details, transferors / transferees particulars and the details of resale / transfer.
iv. Indicate choice of request for inspection or waiver of inspection (where applicable).
v. Submit requisite payment for the application.
vi. Print the application form, receipt and acknowledgement letter (for lodgement cases). For application cases, HDB will revert to applicant within 14 working days from the completion of the inspection and receipt of all supporting documents.
vii. Upon completion to forward a certified true copy of the Transfer Instrument (Lease issued), Agreement for Lease & Deed of Assignment (Lease not been issued) to HDB for updating. - Where do I get the 3rd Party Authorisation Form?
The 3rd Party Authorisation Form is to be drafted by the filer. The required content for the form is summarised and displayed when the filer checks the declaration box in the application. - Who is the applicant or filer?
The applicant is the existing owner (transferor) or proposed owner (transferee). The filer refers to 3rd parties including the agent, solicitor, or representative. A Letter of Authorisation must be submitted as a supporting document. - Who should submit the online application, the Transferors or Transferees?
Under the terms of the resale / transfer it is the responsibility of the existing owner (transferor) or their representatives to submit the application. However, if the parties are in agreement, the proposed owner (transferees) or their representatives may also submit the application to HDB. - Who can purchase a HDB commercial property?
Private property owner/ flat owner / foreigner/ Singapore Permanent Resident may purchase HDB commercial property from the open market, provided the individual(s) are above 21 years of age and is not an undischarged bankrupt, subject to their eligibility.
Please note that a person* will not be allowed to concurrently own :
(a) an HDB flat (subsidised** or non-subsidised) within Minimum Occupation Period (“MOP”) plus any HDB commercial property with Living Quarters (“LQ”).
(b) a subsidised HDB flat within MOP plus more than one HDB commercial property (without LQ).
* Person also refers to a company owned by individual(s) who is/are listed as an applicant(s)/owner(s) or occupier(s) in a subsidised or non-subsidised HDB flat (which has not met the MOP).
** Subsidised flat, generally refers to the purchase of a flat from HDB, a resale flat with the CPF Housing Grant or an Executive Condominium (EC) unit from property developers (with or without the CPF Housing Grant).
For HDB commercial property with Living Quarters (LQ), the LQ component may be counted as a residential property for Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (ABSD) purposes. For ABSD and other tax enquiries e.g. Seller’s Stamp Duty, Buyer’s Stamp Duty and GST etc, please seek IRAS’ advice. You may access the IRAS’s website at For any other matters under other relevant authorities, please also check with them directly. - When do I submit my Transfer Instrument?
You are required to submit the duly executed and stamped Transfer Instrument to HDB for updating of our records within 2 weeks after completion. Pending the submission of the Transfer, HDB’s records will continue to reflect the ownership of the property under the Transferor. In that instance, HDB will not be responsible for any late fees / penalties etc imposed on payments related to the premises arising from a delay in the updating of the ownership records. - I am the purchaser and I am taking over the tenanted premises and will continue to rent out to the current tenantwith a trade that involves material change of use. If I select "Waiver of inspection" what fee do I pay?
The fee payable is $500/- (excluding GST). Approval for Resale / Transfer will be granted after the assessment of whether the proposed use will cause any disamenities to the surrounding (eg. Family Restaurant, living quarters change to non-residential use). - If I submitted an application wrongly or the application is subsequently aborted, can I request for a refund of the admin fee?
No, all admin fees paid are not refundable.
Documents Needed
For Lodgement
3rd Party Filer Authorisation Letter (if represented by solicitors)
Declaration Undertaking for Waiver of Inspection
For Mortgagee Sale
3rd Party Filer Authorisation Letter (if represented by solicitors)
Power of Attorney
Letter of Undertaking
For Transferors/ Transferees who are individual persons
3rd Party Filer Authorisation Letter (if represented by solicitors)
Copy of All Transferors’ and Transferees’ NRIC
For Transferors/ Transferees who are individual persons
3rd Party Filer Authorisation Letter (if represented by solicitors)
Copy of All Transferors’ and Transferees’ NRIC
Transferors/ Transferees who is/are a Company
The Transferors’ and the transferees’ Company’s Resolution/ Directors’ Resolution authorizing the solicitor to submit the on-line application.
A copy of the Company’s Resolution/Directors’ Resolution authorising the representative to execute ALL documents related to the resale/transfer
Copy of NRIC of authorised representative as stated in the Company’s Resolutions/Directors’ Resolution
An up-to-date printout from the Accounting Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), listing all the existing shareholders.