Find licence (By industry)
Find and apply for licences by industry
Select an industry to see a list of relevant licences here. You can also browse the full list of licences grouped by industry below.
- To find a licence to renew/amend, refer to this list instead
- To get recommendations on licences you need, browse our list of e-Advisers for licences
Commonly searched licences
Animals & Veterinary Services
- Certificate of Freedom From Disease Within Singapore
- Free Sale Certificate (Non Food Producing Animal Feed)
- Free Sale Certificate (Vaccine)
- Health Certificate for Export of Ornamental Fish
- Licence for Animal Exhibition
- Licence for Animal Research Facility
- Licence for Pet Shop
- Licence for Veterinary Centre
- Licence to Import/Export/Transship for Non-Food Producing Animals, Birds, Eggs and Biologics
- Licence to Import or Export Ornamental Fish
- Licence to Manufacture and Process Feed for Non-food Producing Animals
- Licence to Possess Veterinary Biologics
- Licence to Treat Animals and Birds
- Registration to Import Feed for Non-food producing animals
- Registration to Import Live Frogs for Ornamental Fish Feeding Only
- Veterinary Certificate for Non-Food Animals
Arts & Media
- Arts Entertainment Licence
- Computer Online Service Licence
- Film (Distribution/Exhibition) Licence
- Nationwide TV Service Licence
- Newspaper Permit
- Niche Television Service Licence
- Printing Press Licence
- Registration Form C for Class Licensable Broadcasting Services
- Subscription International Television Service Licence
- Air Operator Certificate
- Air Traffic Controller Licence
- Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
- Aircraft Maintenance Organisation
- Aircraft Station Licence
- Clearance for Aerial Photography/Videography
- Clearance for Erection of Cranes and Tall Construction Machinery
- Clearance for Ship Crossing
- Flight Crew Licence
- Permit for Aerial Activities
- Permit to fly
- Permits for Carriage of Dangerous Goods
Built Environment
- Advertising Sign/ Signboard Licence
- Amusement Rides Permit
- Approval for Additions & Alterations to a Conserved Building
- Category 3 Works for Conserved Buildings
- Change of Use Approval
- Change of Use Approval (Renewal)
- Housing Developer’s Licence
- Licence to Supply Architectural Services
- Permit to Erect Temporary Building
- Planning Permission
- Signage Proposal for a Conserved Building
- Structural and Building Plans Requirements for Rooftop Solar PV Installation
- URA - Home Office Scheme (for private residential properties)
- Cybersecurity Labelling Scheme for IoT (Level 1)
- Cybersecurity Labelling Scheme for IoT (Level 2)
- Cybersecurity Labelling Scheme for IoT (Level 3)
- Cybersecurity Labelling Scheme for IoT (Level 4)
- Managed Security Operations Centre (SOC) Monitoring Service Licence
- Penetration Testing Services Licence (PTS)
- Asatizah Recognition Scheme
- Certificate of Registration of School
- Early Childhood Development Centre Licence
- EduTrust Certification Scheme
- Islamic Education Centres and Providers Registration
- Registration of Private Education Institutions
Employment & Labour Services
- Employment Agency Licence
- Factory Notification and Registration
- Foreign Employee Dormitories Act Licence
- Work passes and permits
Explosives & Arms
- Approval for a Blasting Operation
- Approval to conduct a Fireworks Display
- Explosive Licence
- Explosive Precursor Licence
- Gun or Weapon Licence
- Licence to Import or Export Explosive Precursors
- Licence to Remove Explosives
- Licence to Import or Export for Weapons
- Licence to Import, Export or Purchase Arms
- Licence to Import, Export or Purchase Explosives
- Security Clearance for Special Worker (Add New Employee)
- Termination of Security Clearance for Special Worker (Remove Existing Employee)
Financial Services
- Application for Approved MAT Insurers
- Application for Authorised Reinsurers
- Application for Bank Representative Office
- Application for Insurance Brokers
- Application for Insurance Representative Office
- Application for Merchant Bank
- Approval for Debt Collector
- Capital Markets Services Licence
- Certificate of Exemption (the Moneylenders Act (Cap.188))
- Commercial Bank Licence
- Financial Adviser’s Licence
- House to House and Street Collections Licence
- Insolvency Practitioner Licence (IP)
- Insurer Licence
- Licence for Debt Collection Business
- Major Payment Institution Licence
- Money-Changer’s Licence
- Moneylender’s Licence
- Pawnbroker’s Licence
- Registration for Moneylender’s Test
- Standard Payment Institution Licence
- Trust Business Licence
Fire Safety & Hazardous Materials
- Amendment to Existing Employee Record (Update Details of Registered Employee)
- Application for Temporary Fire Permit / Fire Safety Certificate
- Fire Certificate
- Lodgement of Minor Addition / Alteration Works (Minor A&A)
- Petroleum / Flammable Materials Storage Licence
- Petroleum / Flammable Materials Transportation Licence
- Petroleum & Flammable Material Import Licence
- Petroleum & Flammable Material Pipeline Licence
- Plan Approval for Fire Safety Works
- Submission Requirements to SCDF for Rooftop Solar PV Installation
- Temporary Change of Use Permit
Food & Beverage
- Export Health Certificate
- Food Shop Licence
- Free Sale Certificate (Animal Feed)
- Food Stall Licence
- Halal Certification
- Health Certificate for Export of Live Foodfish for Breeding
- Licence for Import/Export/Transhipment of Meat and Fish Products
- Licence for Import/Transhipment of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
- Licence to Import Poultry
- Licence to Import Sheep & Goats
- Licence to Import Table Eggs
- Licence to Import/Export/Tranship Food Animals, Birds, Eggs and Biologics
- Licence to Manufacture and Process of Animal Feed
- Licence to Operate a Coldstore
- Licence to Operate a Food Processing Establishment
- Licence to Operate Slaughter-house
- Liquor Consumption Permit
- Liquor Licence - Extension of Operating Hours
- Liquor Licence (Class 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4)
- Permit for Temporary Fair
- Registration of Food Storage Warehouses
- Registration to Import Feed for Food Producing Animals
- Registration to Import Live Frogs for Human Consumption
- Registration to Import Processed Food Products and Food Appliances
- Rice Licence
- Supermarket Licence
- Temporary Fair Stall Licence
Health & Wellness Services
- Clinical Laboratory Licence
- Clinical X-Ray Laboratory Licence
- Community Health Centre
- Dental Clinic Licence
- Hospital Licence
- Massage Establishment Licence
- Medical Clinic Licence
- Notification to Police of Exempted Massage Establishment
- Nursing Home Licence
- Termination of Pregnancy (TOP)
Intellectual Property Services
- Patent Agent Form A (Registration as a Singapore Patent Agent)
- Patent Agent Form C (Application for a Practising Certificate)
- Patent Agent Form H (Registration /Renewal of Registration as a Foreign Patent Agent)
Land Transport Infrastructure
- Application for Change of Use and Parking Layout to Existing Developments
- Building Works & Restricted Activities in Railway Protection Zone
- Bus Attendant Vocational Licence (BAVL)
- Bus Driver’s Vocational Licence (BDVL)
- Class 2 Bus Service Licence
- Display of Vertical Banners on Public Street Lamp Posts
- Notification of Road Closure
- Omnibus Driver’s Vocational Licence
- Permit for Vehicle Movement
- Permit to Work on Public Streets
- Private Hire Car Driver’s Vocational Licence (PDVL)
- Taxi Driver’s Vocational Licence (TDVL)
- Traffic Police Road Closure Permit
Manufacturing & Industrial Services
- Certificate of Registration Under The Control of Manufacture Act
- Licence Under The Manufacture of Optical Discs Act
Maritime & Port
- Accreditation Scheme for Bunker Surveying Companies
- Advanced Powered Pleasure Craft Driving Licence
- Bunker Convention Certificate
- Bunkering Licence (Bunker Supplier)
- Harbour Craft Licence
- Harbour Craft Manning Licence
- Permit to Break-up a Vessel in Port
- Permit to Launch a New Vessel in Port
- Permit to Lay-Up a Vessel in Port
- Pleasure Craft
- Pleasure Craft Driving licence
Non-profit and Community Services
- Application for Permit to conduct Fund-Raising Appeal for Foreign Charitable Purposes
- Registering A New Charity or IPC Status
- Certificate of Registration and Hotel-keeper’s Licence
- Company Registration (CR)
- Licence for Residential Care Facilities
- Licence to Supply Professional Engineering Services
- Permit Administration and Control System (PATROL)
- Registration of Precious Stones and Precious Metals Dealers
- Registry of Societies
- Representative Office
- Rubber Licence (Dealer)
- Rubber Licence (Manufacturer)
- Rubber Licence (Packer)
- Rubber Licence (Shipper)
- Secondhand Goods and Dealers Licence
- Tobacco Retail Licence
- Ticket Payment Service Licence (TPSL)
Postal Services
Public Events & Entertainment
- Fund raising Permit
- Non-Renewable Temporary Occupation Licence (NRTOL)
- Notice of Intention to Organise an Event
- Police Permit for Assembly or Procession
- Police Permit for Public Talk
- Public Entertainment Licence
- Public Entertainment Licence - Notification to Police of Exempted Public Entertainments or Arts Entertainment
- Safe Management Measures for MICE Event
Real Estate & Property
- Apply to Rent Out or Change Tenancy of HDB Commercial Properties
- Apply to Transfer Ownership or Sell HDB Commercial Properties
- Application of Registering Property
- Appraiser’s Licence (Lands and Buildings)
- Change of Company’s Name for HDB Commercial Tenants
- Estate Agent Licence and Salesperson Registration
- Home Office Scheme (HDB)
- Temporary Occupation Licences
Security & Law Enforcement
- Private Investigation Agency Licence
- Private Investigator Licence
- Registered In-House Employer
- Security Agency Licence
- Security Officer Licence
- Security Service Provider Licence
Telecommunication Infrastructure
- Amateur Station Licence
- Application for Confirmation of Conformity (COFC)
- Enhanced Simplified Equipment Registration (ESER)
- Exhibition of Telecommunication Equipment (with Frequency)
- Exhibition of Telecommunication Equipment (without Frequency)
- Experimental Station Licence
- Facilities-based Operations Licence
- Fixed Wireless Network
- General Equipment Registration (GER)
- General Equipment Registration by Certification Bodies (GER-CB)
- General Operator’s Certificate of Competency
- General Radio-communication Station Licence
- Localised Private Network (Multi-Channel Radiocom Networks and Systems)
- Localised Private Network Licence
- Localised Radio-Communication Station Licence
- Public Mobile Network Licence
- Radio Service Licence
- Registration for Internet Access Service Providers and Resellers Class Licence
- Registration Form C for Class Licensable Broadcasting Services
- Restricted Operator’s Certificate of Competency
- Satellite Communication Station Licence
- Services-Based Operations (Class) Licence
- Services-Based Operations (Individual) Licence
- Ship Station Licence
- Simplified Equipment Registration (SER)
- Special Purpose Station
- Telecommunication Cable Detection Worker Licence
- Technical Trial (with use of Frequency)
- Technical Trial (without Frequency)
- Telecommunication Dealer’s (Class) Licence
- Telecommunication Dealer’s (Individual) Licence
- Telecommunication Wiring Contractor Class Licence
- Telecommunication Wiring Installer Class Licence
- Temporary Use of Radio Frequency
- TV Receive-Only System Licence
- Wide-Area Private Network Licence
Utilities & Environment
- Application for Registration of Public Health Pesticide & Repellents Against Vectors
- Aquatic Facility Licence
- CITES Permit
- Cleaning Business Licence
- Electricity Generation
- Electricity Retailer
- Electricity Wholesaler
- Environmental Control Coordinator Certificate of Registration
- Environmental Control Officer (Specific Premises) - [ECO(SP)] Certificate of Registration
- Environmental Control Officer (Specified Construction Sites) - [ECO(SCS)] Certificate of Registration
- Event Permit Application for Use of Reservoir
- Fumigation Permit
- Fumigator Licence
- Funeral Parlour Licence
- Gas Shipper, Retailer or Importer
- General Waste Collector Licence
- General Waste Disposal Facility Licence
- Hazardous Substances (HS) Licence
- Hazardous Substances (HS) Permit
- Hazardous Substances (HS) Transport Approval
- IR1 - Licence to manufacture, possess for sale or deal in irradiating apparatus or radioactive materials
- IR2 - Licence to keep, possess for use (other than sale) or use irradiating apparatus or radioactive materials
- IR3 - Licence to handle and transport radioactive materials
- IR4A/B - Licence to import or export a consignment of ionising irradiating apparatus
- IR5A/B/C - Licence to import or export a consignment of radioactive materials, or to transit or tranship a consignment of nuclear material
- N1 - Licence to manufacture, possess for sale or deal in non-ionising radiation irradiating apparatus
- N2 - Licence to keep, or possess for use non-ionising radiation irradiating apparatus
- N3 - Licence to use laser
- N4A/B - Licence to import or export a consignment of non-ionising radiation irradiating apparatus
- Non-CITES Certificate
- Phytosanitary Certification
- Plumber Licence
- Pre-signed CITES Permit
- Pre-signed non-CITES Certificate
- R1- Registration as a radiation worker
- Stock Card Application Form
- Toxic Industrial Waste (TIW) Collector’s Licence
- Toxic Industrial Waste (TIW) Transport Approval
- Usage of Premises in Parks
- Vector Control Operator Certificate
- Vector Control Technician Licence
- Vector Control Worker Certificate
- Written Approval for the Discharge of Trade Effluent Into the Public Sewer
- Written Permission to Discharge Trade Effluent into a Watercourse